Hey guys,
I hope you're all doing good??
I'm back since 8 weeks now and I didn't have any time to write.
It's really sad, because I wanted to do it all the time, but I've been too busy. Now school started 4 weeks ago and I have even less time.
Every day during the week is planned out, but luckily I don't really have long school days. I'm back to dancing and so happy about that!!
I also started theory lessons for my drivers license 3 weeks ago and already had 6 lessons.
(ahh have to change everything because I already wrote this text 2 weeks ago on the train, but didn't have time to type it until now...) but nevermind... the original:
"I'm on the way to Cologne for a Returnee Party from my organisation. I'm quiet excited to meet a few of my German friends, I met in New New Zealand."
In fact it was great... we were dancing and talking all night :D
The trip with my family has been great, but I'll do an extra post about that (it probably has to wait a little because we did so much and I don't have time to write all that at the moment.. sorry about that before hand!! )
When we came back my family and friends welcomed me at the central station and I spent the next weeks meeting all my friends, charing stories and showing all these amazing photos (all in all I took about 31,000!!!!! :D hahaha so it took a while to show them all ;)).
Still everyone is asking how it has been, how I liked it, if the people were nice etc.
I can just say for myself:
It has been the
most amazing, stunning, inspiring, great, funny, exciting year of my life (and I hope more are to come ;)). I met soo many
nice, fantastic, funny, awesome people and I will never forget them and I hope I can keep in touch with everyone...
This will be hard, especially when I start my exams and the project that will count as my 5th mark in my A-levels.
That's why I'll try to continue this blog, so that I don't feel too guilty about not answering you all with one of my looong messages (you just have to be happy with short ones) ;)
I hope this blog will go well and I hope someone will/ might read it...
It's also for me to keep up with my English, because I already notice my spoken English is getting a little rusty :(
I still read and watch movies in English, but it's just not the same like speaking and thinking in English all the time. I really miss that!!!
Oh and please correct me when I'm making some big mistakes!! Thanks :)
Okay, back to my experience in NZ.
I just want to tell everyone how much I loved this year, to animate the peole that have the same opportunity to experience a different country and lenguage.
It's the best thing you can do if you have the cance and you have a little self-confidence (you should have seen me before I left... so damn shy and really not confident about myself...).
I learned so much in this year and I mean
no one can
ever take these memories and great experience away from me. I wouldn't have been able to change that much (for goog I suppose), if I would have stayed here for the year.
You don't even have to leave for a year! It's hard in the beginning and everyone is diffrent about settling in.... I've been homesick for the first 3-4 month I guess, but you get to live it.
I think 3 month is not quiet enogh, because you are slowly settled in after that, found new friends, really enjoy school, get into the new lenguage (no matter where you go.... for French, Spanish, English etc.), feel like home and then you have to leave again!
So I think you should at least stay half a year or more, what ever you can afford (I know something like this is very expensive!!) and how long you think you can stay away from home.
New Zealand has just such friendly people!
No one in Germany would ever thank the bus diver, would ever be that helpfull if you look lost, would ever greet you on the street even if you don't know them. Most Germans are quiet stressed, look grumpy and would just mind their own thing. Some are nice and helpfull, but it's just not the same like with Kiwis!! I miss all the open hearted, easy-going, friendly atmosphere with other people!!
I guess you dodn't have to go that far away to experience something new, a change and get lots of experience.
Depending where you live and what you'd like to get from this exchange. People, nature, school, lifestyle is different in every country. It changes more or less, depending on what you are used to.
So take your chance (but just if you want to do it.. not because your parents want you to do it ;)) and get your own great experiences and memories in other countries! I can just recommend it :)
New Zealand Pancakes |
Scones with jam and cream |
Skittles!!!! love them :D |
Soooo.... it's weird to be back here... first I expected everyone around me to speak English.... and I always wanted to talk to everyone in English, but I guess I got over it now ;)
BUT!! The day before yesterday (yesterday was a public holiday - the reunion of Germany) I finally got to talk English again (except from school), with a man on the tram (who asked me why my English is so good!? ahhhh :D)... afterwards my boyfriend and I talked English for a while, which was quiet fun!!!
The bad news are I have a tendovaginitis (not sure if it's the correct English word..) sine 2 1/2 weeks...
I'm really busy with school now and all the exams will start soon after the next holidays in 2 weeks (& 1 day), but I'll spend one of these weeks in London!!! I'm so excited to go there again and I want to see soo much. I went in 2010 for the first time and it was just great!!
Will tell you everything about the trip when I'm back ;)
Since I'm back I still haven't finished decorating my room, but it already looks really comfy I think ;)
I love being home, because I finally have all my cloths back, my friends & family and our big garden (sadly it's raining all the time now... so I'm not keen on going outside if I don't have to ;)).
Although I miss New Zealand and everyone there lots!!! I've been feeling homesick a few times already :(
So flowers from our garden:
Will never forget NZ!! ♥ |
hmm... what else... I've no idea...
Will just post the next time when I have something more to write about ;)
Just tell me if you have any questions about... Germany, Bremen, myself etc!
See ya soon
Lea ♥